First things first, let's define an API call.
An API call is the process of a client application submitting a request to an API. That API retrieves the requested data from the external server or program and delivers it back to the client.
As a rule of thumb, on Soundcharts, 1 call = 1 request.
If the server fails to return the data, it won't count as a call.
Each response contains an x-quota-remaining header with the number of remaining requests.
Some endpoints are more call-extensive than others:
Calls to get metadata, like Get artist metadata, or calls to get a referential, like Get platforms for audience data, are single object responses and give you everything you need with just 1 call;
Calls to get audience metrics like Get artist audience or Get song audience are collection responses and are limited to 90 days - for instance, you need to make 4 calls to get the stream data for 360 days;
Finally, some calls(also collection responses) have an arbitrary limit/maximum of results:
20 results for the search endpoints like Search for an artist by name
100 results for the entries endpoints like Get chart song entries
Collections responses always contain an item array and a page object to help you navigate paged results.
"items": [
"page": {
"offset": 0,
"total": 100,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"limit": 100