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Music industry/Soundcharts glossary 📖
Music industry/Soundcharts glossary 📖

Some music industry and Soundcharts-specific vocabulary explained

Aël Guégan avatar
Written by Aël Guégan
Updated over 6 months ago

Here are a couple of words we thought could be enlightening to explain.

  • Engagement rate: This demonstrates how much an artist engages with their audience. We calculate this by dividing the total number of interactions (likes and comments) in the last 2 months by the total number of followers, multiplied by 100.

  • Major-owned playlists: These are playlists made by the music industry majors: Digster playlists by Universal Music, Filtr playlists by Sony Music, and Topsify playlists by Warner Music.

  • Notable followers: are other influencers (i.e., the accounts with over 1,000 followers) that follow the account in question.

  • Official playlists (also known as editorial playlists): These are playlists made directly by the streaming platforms' editorial teams. More about playlist types here.

  • Social reach: This metric tracks a radio station's social media impact by tallying the total number of followers across all its official social media accounts - YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok , Facebook.

  • Spotify fan retention: This metric shows the relationship between the number of Spotify monthly listeners and the number of Spotify followers. Do take into account that not all followers are listeners. We calculate this by dividing the total number of ML by the total number of followers, multiplied by 100. The higher the percentage is, the better the artist can turn its listeners into followers.

  • Spotify ML: This means Spotify Monthly Listeners. You can find this abbreviation in the Audience section of an artist profile and the "Compare Artists" feature. Spotify uses a rolling window of 28 days because the number of days in a calendar month varies, and people listen differently on different days of the week. Using a window of 28 days means they always include an equal number of each day (i.e., the same number of Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, etc.).

  • Spotify popularity: It is a metric that measures how frequently an artist or track is listened to on Spotify compared to others, updated regularly. It's a score out of 100, calculated based on the total number of plays a track or artist has received recently, relative to other tracks or artists. The popularity score also influences how often an artist or track appears in Spotify's discovery features like recommended playlists.

  • Third-party playlists: These are playlists that don't fit in the other two categories (made by users of streaming platforms).

  • TOC (either DOC or WOC): This stands for Time on Chart, which can either be Days on Chart or Weeks on Chart, depending on if it is a daily or weekly chart. You'll find this mentioned in the chart section of the artist and song profiles or the market charts.

  • Track age: The Track age of a radio is determined by the release dates of the songs aired over the last 7 days. It is qualified as “frontline” if over 75% of the tracks were released less than 18 months ago; “catalog” if less than 25% of the tracks were released more than 18 months ago; or “mixed” if neither condition applies.

  • YouTube views: YouTube's view count is calculated by combining each official version of a song, including the official music video, user-generated content that uses the official song, and lyric videos.

Feel free to reach out to if there is a term you would like some clarity on 💡

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